(Cnema-Centro Nacional de Exposições, Santarém, Portugal, 28th February, 2024)

The first workshop of the OZONE4WATER project entitled “Technology transfer opportunities in new regulatory frameworks”, organized by the partner AdP Valor, was held on 28th February 2024 between 14:30h and 17:00h at the Cnema-Centro Nacional de Exposições, Santarém, Portugal. The workshop was integrated into an event of the Águas de Portugal (AdP) group, “XIV Jornadas de Engenharia”, an annual event organized by AdP Valor, aiming to promote networking, technical discussions, and dissemination activities within the water sector. The event hosted approx. 1000 participants from different backgrounds, varying from academia, water and wastewater utility managers, technology providers, and policymakers within the water sector.

The workshop “Technology transfer opportunities in new regulatory frameworks” started with a brief introduction by Carlos Brito (AdP Valor), followed by the presentations of projects Life Phoenix, Life RENATURWAT, SERPIC, and OZONE4WATER delivered by the coordinators of each project. Following, Tiago Ferrão from AdP Valor chaired a Round Table about i) the vision and perspectives of academic researchers (FEUP, Portugal); ii) the financial impact of R&D projects in the people, economy, and the sector (Grupo Economia del Agua, University of Valencia, Spain); iii) the perspectives of the water utilities in the forthcoming regulatory framework (Aqualia); iv) the regulatory challenges of technology adoption in ever challenging environment (Water Sector Regulator-ERSAR, Portugal); v) the expected impact of the new regulatory framework in the sector, the perspective of the environmental authority (Environmental Authority-APA, Portugal). Finally, the discussion was open for the audience to questions & answers.